The East Lampeter Township Board of Supervisors will meet at 7 p.m. today at township office, 2250 Old Philadelphia Pike. Among the agenda items:
Consent agenda: (a) approval of today’s board of supervisors meeting agenda; (b) minutes of April 15 regular meeting; (c) request for release of sanitary sewer financial security – 1728 Lincoln Highway East (Sundance Car Wash); (d) reduction of financial security – 441 Mount Sidney Road (no release); (e) time extension for township review and action: High Gardens stormwater management plan – Greenfield/William Penn Way; (f) approval to pay invoices from all funds.
Appeal hearing regarding suspension from non-preference tow list – Absolute Towing.
Old business: (a) request for informal discussion regarding zoning amendment for manufacturing in village general zone – Millcreek Fence: 2498 Old Philadelphia Pike.
New business: (a) supervisor discussion items: (a) housing plan implementation; (b) games of skill.
Action items: (a) ordinance to adopt codification of ordinances; (b) agreement regarding reimbursement of costs for U.S. Women’s Open golf tournament; (c) resolution regarding agreement, Manheim Township compost facility use.
Manager’s report: (a) recreation director hired; (b) emergency alert system – internal operations initially.
Next meeting: 7 p.m. May 20.
The Lampeter-Strasburg School Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. today at the district administration building board room, 1600 Book Road, Lampeter. Remote access link: https://www.l-spioneers.org/school-board/school-board-overview. Among the agenda items:
Personnel committee: (a) recommendation for approval of resignations; (b) employment – professional and support; (c) change of status; (d) additional assignment; (e) leaves of absence; (f) change to supplemental contracts; (g) teachers, nurse and assistants for extended school year special education services; (h) kindergarten transition camp assessors; (i) kindergarten transition camp teachers and teaching assistants; (j) summer custodial employees; (k) substitutes; (l) granting of tenure; (m) collective bargaining agreement.
Business and finance committee: (a) recommendation for approval of appointment of local auditor; (b) public school facility improvement grant resolution; (c) bond purchase agreement with Raymond James; (d) resolution to Department of Community and Economic Development regarding general obligation bonds, series of 2024; (e) Lancaster County Academy 2024-2025 proposed budget; (f) adopt 2024-2025 proposed final budget.
Academic committee: (a) recommendation for approval of textbooks; (b) agreement with Eastern University; (c) memorandum of understanding with Harrisburg Area Community College.
Miscellaneous: (a) recommendation for approval of facility usage; (b) updated board policies (second reading); (c) discussion of Pennsylvania School Board Association voting delegate; (d) approval to appoint board treasurer.
Next board meeting: 7:30 p.m. June 10.
Lancaster City Council Committee will meet at 6 p.m. today in the Nelson M. Polite Sr. City Council Chambers, 120 N. Duke St., Marion Street entrance. Among the agenda items:
Committee of the whole: (a) Home Rule Study Commission update; (b) council resolution recognizing Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month; (c) administration resolution authorizing a flag-raising at City Hall to mark Pride Month in 2024 and 2025.
Personnel committee: (a) nomination of Charles Simms to Lancaster Airport Authority.
Finance committee: (a) administration resolution authorizing sale of a police horse trailer.
Community planning committee: (a) review of Historical Commission recommendations for 232 N. Prince St.; (b) 430 N. Water St.; (c) administration resolution authorizing a projection easement agreement with the Hager Arcade Condominium Association, 25 W. King St.
Public works committee: (a) administration resolution adopting a Conestoga Pines Park master plan; (b) authorizing a grant application for Conestoga Pines Park; (c) council resolution recognizing Bike Month in Lancaster city; (d) presentation on proposed agreement regarding Price Elementary School and Brandon Park.
The City of Lancaster Historical Architectural Review Board will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in Council Chambers on the first floor of the City Hall Annex at 120 N. Duke St. Among the agenda items:
28 East Vine St.; F28 Vine LLC, owner; Horst Signs, applicant. Install a new projecting sign panel on aluminum brackets mounted on the brick facade.
423 W. Chestnut St.; Jeffrey and Carey Eshleman, owners; Citadel DCA, architects. Preliminary conceptual discussion of the proposed construction of a new freestanding two-bay garage on the north edge of the parcel facing Lancaster Avenue, and a new two-story addition on the house’s northeast elevation.
The Manheim Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. today at the municipal building, 1840 Municipal Drive. Remote access link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85151490585, meeting id: 851 5149 0585; or by phone: 1-267-831-0333. Among the agenda items:
(a) Lancaster Country Day School, 720 N. President Ave. The applicant is requesting the following: A variance to permit a 108.4 square foot sign to direct school related traffic away from Hillcrest Road.
(b) National Wrestling and Performance Center, R-2 Residential District, 2120 Oregon Pike. The applicant is requesting the following: A special exception to permit the conversion of a large non-residential building within the R-2 Residential District into a conference/event center.
The Penn Manor School Board will meet at 7 p.m. today in the Large Group Instruction room at Penn Manor High School, 100 E. Cottage Ave., Millersville.
The regular board meeting will follow the committee of the whole. Live video stream: https://www.youtube.com/PennManorSchoolDistrict/. Among the agenda items:
Review of school board meeting agenda.
Consent agenda for the committee of the whole meeting: (a) second reading of revised school board policy; (b) flexible instructional day program; (c) adoption of proposed final budget for 2024-25 school year.
Consent agenda for administrative actions: (a) student hearing; (b) appointment of board treasurer; (c) tax collector; (d) signing of checks; (e) district income protection insurance; (f) district life insurance; (g) approval of land lease agreement and memorandum of land lease agreement with Cellco Partnership doing business as Verizon Wireless.
Consent agenda for personnel: (a) support staff employment and change in status; (b) professional staff employment and change in status; (c) leave; (d) resignations; (e) locally-issued day-to-day substitute permit; (f) athletic worker for 2023-24.